Start Your Day in the Middle of Serene Waters with Entartica Sea World

Imagine sipping your morning coffee as the sun rises, all while floating on a calm lake or river. Experience the perfect start to your day with our unique breakfast boats.

Choose Your Perfect Breakfast Spot from Our Waterfront Locations

Why Choose Breakfast at Entartica?

Why Entartica Sea World is Your Go-To Destination for an Unforgettable Morning

Floating Breakfast Experiences

Why settle for a regular morning when you can float your way to an extraordinary start?
Stunning Lake and Riverfront Views
Imagine having the horizon as your breakfast companion. Unbeatable, right?
Safe and Hygienic Food
Our commitment to hygiene ensures you can enjoy your meal without a worry.
Fun for the Whole Family

From kids to grandparents, our breakfast experiences are designed to delight everyone.

Don't Just Dream It, Experience It!

What are you waiting for? Your dream breakfast experience is just an enquiry away. Don’t miss out!

Choose Your Ideal Floating Breakfast Spot

What Makes Us Special

We are not just about boats and breakfasts; we are about creating memories. With strict safety measures, environment-friendly policies, and a team committed to making your experience memorable, Entartica Sea World stands in a league of its own.


Enquire Now

Our doors and waters are always open for you! For any queries, fill the form below.

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